25 VII 2019: She must muzzle the old lies and get on with the new

I read that Trump has appointed a woman named Monica Crowley, a sometime Fox News “contributor,” who is also famous for being convicted of academic plagiarism on national T.V. She was a passionate birther, believed that Obama is a crypto-muslim, and marketed a theory of another conspiracy salesman Bill Siegel that Obama was in fact an Islamic Community Organizer. So she has been a member of the anti-Muslim chorus of young right-wing careerists.

But now Trump is giving her a job as mouthpiece in the Treasury Dept. She is a very experienced liar, and that’s in her favor, and good-looking [blond hair, with really amazing teeth], something that always helps someone in a PR job. But she’s going to have to lay off the anti-Islam bit, for a while anyway. Why? Trump loves our allies the Saudis so much that he is going to sell them weapons of mass destruction, never mind that they are violence-prone nut-cases who are also Muslim extremists. But the party line may change. As the elections draw nearer, if Trump starts to feel insecure, he may reprise his Muslim-Hater role, and Monica can return to her habitual vice. But for now she’ll have to devote herself to hawking the lies that originate in the Treasury Dept.