10 VI 2020: Misc.

1) Sometime during the 2016 campaign Trump asserted that the coming election would be rigged. Of course, he was complaining that it would be rigged against him. If he thought it would be rigged in his favor he would have said nothing about that. The recent election in Georgia shows in a microcosm what Trump, his Republican bitches, and wealthy racists are trying to do: Prevent black people from voting. The stumble-bum elections, the purges of the voter rolls, the resistance to mail-in ballots all come down to the attempt by these anti-democracy sneaks to rig elections in their favor.

2) Barr’s unidentified police. If enforcement personnel are not wearing identification badges, do they not cease to be recognizable as enforcement personnel? Shouldn’t their aggression be resisted like the aggression of any ordinary citizen?

3) The Trumpists want CNN to apologize and recant poll findings that show Biden ahead of Trump. The Trumpists have neither taste nor shame and will try anything. This case points out the chronic inability of Trump and Trumpists to deal with reality that they don’t like.

4) The photograph of the so-called “All lives matter” protesters re-enacting the murder of George Floyd has all the symbols of the base of Trump’s base: misuse of the flag, Trump, and the Republican redneck equivalent of frat boys displaying their devotion to evil. They are hyenas trying to feed on the corpse of democracy.