9 X 2019: Trump near the edge

So that pathetic figure in the White House thinks that he owes nothing to our allies, the Kurds, because they did not fight along with us in WW II. Does he think that the neutral Turks fought alongside us? He might believe they did, for he is as ignorant of history as he is of government.

He is coming closer and closer to losing it altogether. It is reported that he keeps making frantic, menacing phone calls to Mitch McConnell to make sure that the Republicans in the Senate are still backing him. Many of his utterances, viva voce or on Twitter, are, it seems to me, actionable, for he is in a frenzy of slander and libel. 

Will he go off the edge? will he take America with him? I’m sure that by now he is thinking, as Hitler did of the Germans, that we are not tough enough to deserve him. Will he hang on, backed who cannot admit they have erred? Will he get away with all his crimes? If he does, America will have ceased to exist.

What about the Republicans in Congress? Will they, as his abuse and intimidation of them gets even worse, have the guts to give him the shove? Getting rid of Trump will be made especially difficult for the people he has debauched. The Republicans seem to have sworn allegiance to him as the Wehrmacht swore obedience to Hitler. They will have to find a way to distance from him, for if they do not, they will become infamous.

And the American people who voted for him, can they acknowledge their mistake, their having been scammed? Will those who proclaim “He’s my President!” come to realize what such a declaration actually says about themselves?