17 II 2022: WW II reruns

The Gleiwitz Incident was one of a series of attacks on German installations by Nazi operatives in Polish uniforms. These phony aggressions were alleged by the Nazis, along with whatever other grievances they could dream up, to “justify” their invasion of Poland. Polish plans to mobilize and prepare for the coming German invasion were blocked repeatedly by their loyal allies, Britain and France, who wanted to leave openings for “negotiation.” As a result, when the invasion came, Poland was able to mobilize effectively only 70% of its military.

Tsar Vladimir I Putin needs a war to prop up his wobbling tyranny and he wants to annex Ukraine, just as he annexed earlier a part of Ukraine, Crimea. He has mobilized his troops, put them in positions surrounding Ukraine, and, with plenty of his operatives already positioned in Ukraine, is only waiting for a phony casus belli that needn’t even seem plausible. And what are Ukraine’s allies doing while this is going on? They are, like Britain and France long ago, making token gestures and calling for “negotiations.”

We are assembling the sets and costumes, and writing the script for WW II re-runs, starring Putin as Hitler, Ukraine as Poland, and the U.S. and E.U. as Neville Chamberlain & Co.