20 III 2020: The best way to confront the corona virus crisis

After watching Trump’s tantrum at today’s briefing I came to the conclusion that the best step that could be taken to help the U.S. through the corona virus plague is for Trump to resign the presidency. Remember the old line, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem,” and Trump is clearly not part of the solution.

His sociopathic episodes have become more frequent and intense. His inability to focus and irascibility have increased. He can’t remember lines his staff make up for him because he is overwhelmed by his impulse to contradict learned and experienced public servants whose information and ideas he cannot understand.

Neither Trump nor his appointees nor Mitch and the other crooks in the Senate are of any real help. If America is to be saved, it will be saved by those whom  reactionary propagandists call “The Deep State.”