17 XI 2019: Donald ©Stephen; Racial hygiene; Anyone for Twister?

A piece by Asawin Suebsaeng on The Daily Beast today predicts that all the confirmation that has come out of Stephen Miller’s racisim and xenophobia is unlikely to affect President Trump’s devotion to him. This is no surprise, for they are, after all, birds of a feather. Another piece on The Daily Beast reports an exhibition at the Wiener Holocaust Museum in London: Forgotten Victims: The Nazi Genocide of the Roma and Sinti. The report foregrounds the involvement in this genocide of a Nazi named Dr. Robert Ritter who ran the Racial Hygiene and Demographic Biology Unit and who was never brought to trial.

There was also a report of an interview with Senator Ron Johnson, exponent of make believe deluxe. The Republicans are taking so many positions as they try to cover up Trump’s incompetence and perfidy that they look like a group playing a game of Twister at a party.