15 I 2021: Naked without my gun

A number of Republican legislators, inspired, no doubt, by Rep. Lauren Boebert, a.k.a. The Capitol Glockette, have refused to pass through the metal detectors installed to protect our Congress. Clearly they are fishing for fanatic Trumpist votes, for the insurrectionist vote, and for the gun-nut votes. 

Some of our fellow citizens are passionately protective of their guns because they have made the gun the symbol of their whiteness, their lawlessness, and their manhood. This firearms/phallus fixation is based on their inability to tell their pistols from their peckers, and, by gum, the feds are going to have to wrest both from their dying hands. The chief instigator of this falsehood-based paranoia is the NRA. That Association’s bankruptcy and flight to Texas show that the premier “gun rights” organization has long been an enormous scam.