27 XII 2019: No glass ceiling for “christian” women

Donald Trump has proven time and again that he is a misogynist. But he seems to be trying to overcome his deservedly awful reputation by appointment of able women to high places in his regime. We’ve read of the appointment of the photogenic Pastor Paula White as White House Advisor on Religion, and now there is cheering news that the good-looking woman who calls herself “Jenna Ellis, Esq.” is to be joining Rudy and the rest on Trump’s legal team. 

Like Pastor White, Jenna Ellis, Esq. is a professional “christian.” Her particular apostolate is constant denunciation of gays and all their works and pomps. She has been assistant professor of legal studies at Colorado Christian University and has more recently been appointed to be director of the Public Policy Center at the James Dobson Family Institute. What “christian” credentials! 

Why does an inveterate pagan like Trump want to have good-looking “christian” women around him? Well, Paula is blond and Jenna is almost, so maybe they are avatars of Ivanka. Or maybe he hopes that professionally “christian” women will be able to resist his powerful sexual magnetism and won’t come on to him at embarrassing times.      

One would expect these appointments to be welcomed by the Evangelical Party. However, there may be a surprise in store, for it says in First Corinthians: “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.” But the Evangelical Party has shown that it will ignore any number of biblical injunctions in its quest for political influence.