21 V 2018: Misc

1) Trump: What a discourteous little shit! It seems he can do nothing without disparaging someone from the previous administration. If this should require lies and falsifications, well, that’s where Tweety Boy excels, if not in the sophistication of his deceits, at list in their number.

2) U.S. and Israel: What can I say? Two rogue states that share the motto: “If you want it, take it.”

3) It is said that a monkey with a typewriter, given enough time, could type out all the world’s classics. Well, monkeys with guns, given enough time, will commit mass shootings and worse.

4) I think that the Trump “base” and Trump’s election should be blamed ultimately on America’s pathetic schools. Many lament the dumbing down of public education in recent years. For nowadays most adults can barely read, cannot write, and can speak and understand only an adolescent dialect, like Mr. Trump. But this decay is only the most recent of the failures of public education. We see that the members of the Trump base, even the much talked of “male college graduates,” have not been taught, or have not been motivated to THINK, an activity that a democratic society must require of its citizens if they are to vote responsibly.