14 IX 2021: Another imaginative attack by Donald Trump

I read that Little Donny Trump has taken to calling Gen. Mark Milley a traitor. Again Trump falls back on his usual maneuver of charging others with the misdeeds of which he is most guilty. It’s the same old pattern. 

Trump has called lots of people traitor and while doing so has made it clear that he does not know what “treason” means. He thinks “treason” means not doing what Trump wants. 

Gen. Milley is, of course, a military man and has no psychiatric training as far as I know, but one needn’t be a psychiatrist to conclude correctly that Trump was in a serious mental decline after the election. Of course, screaming fits, suborning rebellion, full time delusions of election fraud, and daydreams of his imminent “reinstatement” in the month of August are signs of a mental decline, but I would not connect them necessarily with loss of the election, because Trump has been this way all his life.