17 VII 2018: Freudian slip?

Trumpie’s latest. There was a negative left out from his “remarks” (he says he “mispoke”). So, while the world is watching, Trumpie says the opposite of what he means? Maybe Trump intended, for form’s sake, to use a negative, but slipped and said what he really believes. What does it matter? More lies, and such obvious lies, to cover up such obvious weakness and foolishness.

The Trump and Putin Show was like an encounter between two bullies in a schoolyard. Trump, the weaker struts and swaggers and intimidates the other kids, but only when Putin is not around. When Putin, by far the stronger, more ruthless, and more intelligent of the two, is present, the weaker bully is so afraid that Putin will beat him up in front of the other kids that he abases himself before Putin, like a dog in a surrender posture.