2 I 2021: Just because a man is crazy …

I read that a former convict, Cody A. Cape of Omaha, under investigation for hunting deer illegally in a federal wildlife refuge, was planning to murder the Federal Wildlife Officer involved in the investigation.

Cape had done prison time, is a scofflaw, is hostile to police, is, to say the least, erratic in his handling of guns, and is obviously mentally unbalanced. Should such a person be allowed to own firearms? Well, common sense says No! 

But, come on, this is America, after all, and if we take away Cody Cape’s guns we would in fairness have to confiscate the firearms of thousands upon thousands of gun owners who are just like Cody. We’d have to disarm the so-called militias, disarm the wanna-be “soldiers of fortune” who show up in “tactical” accoutrements making a display of weapons at public events, disarm the throngs of mentally unstable men who roam our inner cities and shoot first and think later, if at all.

I could go on, but let me conclude by saying: If we were to confiscate guns belonging to citizens like Cody Cape, it just wouldn’t be America any more.