20 IV 2017: Put a cork in it!

UC Berkeley has told Ann Coulter not to come and speak to Young America’s Foundation. This constellation will guarantee a blizzard of bullshit.

 UCal Berkeley might more correctly be called the University of California at Indulgence, for almost all the protests there, loudly verbal or loutishly violent, have been enacted by over-age adolescents indulging themselves and being indulged by the academic establishment. Kids just want to have riots, and it does not matter much what the occasion. Ann Coulter is as good as any, along with dissatisfaction with food, losing the big game or winning the big game, springtime, electrical outage on campus, or institutional attempts to inhibit consumption of booze or drugs. The students are not much involved in their studies and do not do other work, so they have a vast fund of pent up energy that finds an outlet in mindless, riotous, trendy outrage.

Ann Coulter, whose profession is cozying up to one group of fools by making another group of fools angry with her, is right in her element here. Of course, she plays any role that will sell, but being martyred for free speech by left-wing campus hooligans is a dream role for her.

Young America’s Foundation is, it seems, represented in academic settings by its affiliate, Young Americans for Freedom, a Newman Club for reactionaries. The capacity here for self-righteous posturing and fuzzy thinking is boundless.

So put some popcorn in the microwave and get ready for what could be a great sitcom.