20 X 2018: The spics are coming! The spics are coming!

Figures in the Amerikan Nazi leadership are raising this cry, preparatory to the mid-term elections of course. Hordes of Hispanics swarming into the good old U.S.A. are going to take your job and change our WAY OF LIFE forever … as if our way of life were not changing constantly and permanently

You can get this sales pitch from Laura Ingraham who is competing with Ann Coulter for the Josef Goebbels Chair in Trumpworld. And, of course, you can hear the same blather from Trump himself and all the little Strumpettes in the Republican Congress and Fox News who echo his dire warnings.

What’s the problem with these Hispanics? Well, some of them are “hardened criminals,” and will take jobs away from our own hardened criminals. Many are seeking protection from illegal authoritarian regimes, and if they settle here they may question our own illegal authoritarian regime. Some of them smoke marijuana and we know what that leads to. But most of all, they are people of COLOR who produce LOTS OF CHILDREN, and if they get into this country, it won’t look like Kansas anymore.