27 XII 2018: The Great Wall

Trump continues to pedal his wall. Anyone with a brain knows that it is a ridiculous idea, a mere public relations farce. But see how the Republicans are falling in behind him licking as they go. Disgusting.

I doubt that The Wall will be unable to stop, or even discourage, anyone who really wants to enter the United States illegally. The Wall itself will have to be guarded against demolition or tunneling and we would become like the East German regime with its Berlin Wall and like the Iron Curtain countries that spread miles of barbed wire and squads of shoot-on-sight troops on their borders. And, of course, if you want to get around the Wall, the extensive seaboard of the United States has always welcomed surreptitious entries. The only success that could be gained by the Wall would be to put more hot air into our presidential Windbag.