3 III 2021: Who sabotaged the Nat’l Guard on January 5th

It took the Trump Defense Dept. three hours and nineteen minutes to respond to requests that the National Guard come and defend the Government. The Guard had been on stand-by before the Black Lives Matter event in D.C., but someone decided they should not be ready to respond quickly on January 6th. The D.C. Chief of Police sent a frantic call for the assistance of the National Guard at 1:49 and he and the National Guard heard nothing from the Defense Dept. higher-ups until 5:08. Why?

Either the Army high command and the Defense Dept. are stumble-bums or someone did not want the National Guard to help the D.C. police to quell the riot before an appropriate amount of criminal behavior had taken place in the Capitol. I am wondering if this delay was part of a plot by Trump & Co. to let the riot they had started continue long enough to do serious damage.